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Click to view any legislation titles in pink.
Name of Legislation
Abby Morris
Easy Recycling Act
Adriana Olmos
No Title
Alexandra Schmidt
Sleep versus School
Alexis Torres
Time Comprehension Act
Allison Wilton
Voter Verification Requirement Act
Ambrozia Medina
The Federal Prison Reform Act
Angel Sanchez
Claiming the week of July 25, 2015 through August 2, 2015 as the Girls Nation week.
Annaka Westphal
Alternative Solutions for Illegal Durg Use and Possession
Arianna Garcia
Arizona Furphy
Increase Funding for Education and Mental Health Services by Legalization and Taxation of Marijuana
Ashley Turpin
Protect Reservoirs of State Parks
Autumn Pearson
Smoking Youth Prevention Act
Belle  Toney
No Title
Brianna Gilligan
Human and Animals in Slaughterhouse
Brittany Brush
Welfare Drug Screening Act
Calista Weiss
The Reform of New Mexico's Education Act
Cameron Estrada
No Title
Carina Nunez
Cyberbullying Act of 2015
Cassandra Martinez
Reduce Standardized Tests
Chabrielle Allen
Excess Meal Donations Act
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