Samantha Davis
Cactus City Daily Report
Started off rough as I was exhausted from staying up the night writing my campaign speech for district attorney. After the day began, we split into our counties (Washington and Lincoln). During the meetings we gave our speeches and listened to the speeches of the other girls. We soon realized there were many positions open due to a lack of candidates. The delegates who had no interest in running were persuaded by the counselors. The girls had to write last minute speeches, but it was worth it and they felt accomplished once they returned to the dorms. These wonderful ladies stepped out of their comfort zones and faced their fears by running for a position here at Girls State. As the day continued, everyone’s nerves were sky high as the announcement of the results got closer. We watched the talent show anxiously, trying to distract our minds. The time was here, the results were being announced. I was excited, relieved, and felt very prideful as my name was called for District Attorney. My fellow Cacti felt the same way as they received the positions they ran for. With the day finally coming to a close with our daily meeting, I have a long night ahead of me, writing another speech. I will let you know how that goes tomorrow.