Legislation Project
American Legion & American Legion Auxiliary New Mexico Staters provides practical application of city, county and state government throughout the weeklong session. This fast paced week culminates with activities which are dedicated to county/state government, including Senate and House of Representative Sessions, courts, and other agencies.
Please take time before arriving at NM Staters to consider an idea or issue and draft a Bill, Resolution or Memorial for Legislation, whether you plan to run for Senator/Representative or not. All attendees of NM Staters are required to submit a piece of legislation. This is one of the required items for completing the NM Staters program. Please choose only one idea or issue - something that you can explain, sell to others, and defend against opposition — remember you will be trying to convince the other Senators or Representatives that your Legislation should be passed. Ideas or issues can be related to Education, Environment, Taxes, Welfare Reform, etc, but make sure that it pertains to the State as a whole not just your individual community or the Nation in general. If you do not plan to run for the Senate or House you will still use these bills/resolutions throughout the week writing your campaign speeches, party platform, and can even work with an elected NM Staters Senator or Representative to sponsor your work and get your legislation passed.
Don't forget part of the requirement to earn college credits during NM Staters and be considered as completing the program is your submission of a Bill/Resolution/Memorial, so please make sure you take the time to complete this task.
All NM Staters delegates will be included in the committee review process of all Bills, Resolutions and Memorials. Submitted legislation will be assigned a committee based on the topic. All delegates will be randomly assigned a committee to review the bills, resolutions and memorials. Please note delegates may not be assigned to the committee where their bill/resolution/memorial is assigned. During this committee process you will work as a group to review the bill/resolution/memorial for any grammatical/spelling amendments, other suggested amendments, or vote to table a piece of legislation.
When taking time to consider your topic contacting your State Senator or State Representative in your community would be an excellent resource — you might even get copies of legislation for reference from them. Give them a call and let them know you'll be attending American Legion & American Legion Auxiliary NM Staters and ask that they share their experiences on the legislation they worked on during the recent State Legislative Session. Additionally, you can research current State Legislative committees or what Bills/Resolutions/Memorials were considered during the recent legislative session at www.nmlegis.gov/Legislation/Legislation_List. Please only use these Bills/Resolutions/Memorials as a guide as the NM Boys/Girls State uses a streamlined format to accommodate the condensed time frame of the session.
Below are further details about Bill/Resolution/Memorial including a description of each, an instruction sheet and examples. Legislation must be submitted by check-in June 1 but no later than noon Monday, June 2. You can submit your legislation one of two ways:
Online: Prior to session you can go online and type up your bill/resolution/memorial.
Email: You can email your legislation using our blank forms. Please type or write neatly in blue or black ink only and scan the document.
Your Bills/Resolutions/Memorials don’t need to arrive at registration perfect but please take some time to decide on a topic, do some research on the subject, and write down your Bill. Government Counselors will assist with formatting your legislation for review by the committees and further presentation to the Senate/House for review.
Please note all delegates are required to submit a minimum of 250 words in the following sections when submitting legislation to have the submission be considered for completion on college credit requirements.
If writing a Bill the MAIN PROVISIONS section must be 250 words minimum.
If writing a Resolution the SECTIONS section must be 250 words minimum.
If writing a Memorial the WHEREAS PARAGRAPHS section must be 250 words minimum.
Any delegate submitting legislation with less than the 250 word minimum in the above section will have their legislation returned to them for revision and must be returned back corrected by Monday noon at session.
All submissions must be works of original content. Plagiarizing others works is not allowed. If you are interested in sponsoring a piece of legislation from another group this must be in addition to your original content submission of a bill/resolution/memorial. Any sponsored items will not be considered without the delegate first meeting their required submission.
Bear in mind that each piece of legislation is for serious, effective debate and legislation, for the good of our State or New Mexico Staters, so bring your ideas! Come prepared to participate, work seriously and at the same time have fun in this great learning experience!
What is a Bill?
A bill is used to propose a law. A bill may originate in either the house or senate, but in order to become law, it must be passed by both houses and signed by the Governor.
Online: Bill Form
Downloadable: Blank Bill
Example Bill from NM Legislature
What is a Resolution?
A resolution is a formal declaration of the legislature concerning some subject that it either cannot or does not wish to control by law. Resolutions require no action on the part of the Governor but some may require they be voted on by New Mexico residents.
A resolution can be created for three main purposes:
to make a declaration proposing an amendment to the Constitution of New Mexico
to express the will of legislature, such as in approving the sale, trade, or lease of state-owned real estate property
to adopt or amend joint rules of the legislature
For the purpose of ALANMGS we will accept resolutions pertaining to the first purpose only which includes proposing amendments to the Constitution of New Mexico.
Online: Resolution Form
Downloadable: Blank Resolution
Example Resolutions from NM Legislature
What is a Memorial?
A memorial is an expression of legislative desire that is usually addressed to another governmental body in the form of a petition or declaration of intent.
For example, a memorial may ask the Department of Transportation to build a road in a certain part of the state or a legislative interim committee to study a particular issue.
A memorial can also be used to recognize people, events, groups, issues without making law. Memorials require no action on the part of the Governor.
Memorial Instruction Sheet
Online: Memorial Form
Downloadable: Blank Memorial
Example Memorials from NM Legislature