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  • Go Pine!

    Last Day of ALANMGS Wow! I can’t believe we are all going our separate ways. But I know each and every one of us will go back home and show our community what strong, powerful women we are and have become by this week. My favorite memory of the week was the Mayor’s Conference because not only did we get to meet each city, we got to see the city’s personalities as one and that was beautiful. What I learned this week was no one has the power to control what you want to do but yourself. You, yourself, are the worst barrier you can have. Fight and Dream for what you want! I plan to become an active citizen in my community by taking charge of my AFJROTC program and show them the leadership skills I hid and actually make the community service projects HAPPEN instead of brain storming all year. I am very happy I got to spend my week with these beautiful women! I can’t wait to see what you guys will achieve in life. WE LOVE YOU ALANMGS 2018!!! “There are friendships imprinted in our hearts that will never be diminished by time and by distance.” - Unknown Melissa Reyna 2018 Pine City Reporter GO PINE!!

  • Cactus City Final Report

    Brooke Fleming Cactus city Today, Friday June 8th, ALA Girls State comes to an end. My favorite memory of this week was the talent show. This event allowed us to laugh, be together, and let out some of the stress that had built up over the week. I have learned a lot about myself this week, for example, I learned that I love public speaking, although it may not be in the political world, it is a skill I did not know I had. I will take this experience back to my community and give the support I received here to all the girls in Raton and help them believe in themselves, just like this experience and all these wonderful ladies did for me.

  • Thursday Report

    Aisis Hernandez Cedar city I felt the tears stinging my eyes all throughout today. A bittersweet mix of tears. Some I cried and some I tried very hard not too. It was our last night together, and I wouldn't be surprised if I cry writing this now. I can hear my city laughing and joking right outside my door. And I can tell you it is an extremely comforting chaotic mix of wheezing and screeching, in the best way possible of course, but sitting through the banquet I remembered tonight was my last chance to hear all of the lovely girls I have fallen in love with, screeching together. Besides my realizing how much I will miss this week; I was overwhelmed with pride and even more love for not only my wonderful overlooked state, but my country as well. This beautiful land that so many people have lost and died for. This country that I love so much. I felt burdened thinking about the kids at home, and the way they detest patriotism. But then I was surrounded with the best girls New Mexico had to offer, men and women who would never take our God given freedoms, because they realize that these freedoms were earned, just like I did. Tonight we laughed, we cried, and we celebrated our new governor, each other, our beautiful state, and our ravishing refined Country and the people who sacrificed and suffered for it. God bless America.

  • Thursday Cactus Report

    Today was the last full day of Girls State.We had a lot planned with state action day and had many experiences with both courts and session leading up to the glorious Girls State banquet. With all the delegates and staff dressed in their best we celebrated our wonderful week of learning and growth. We finished off the banquet with a candle ceremony and the performance fo the song America America sung by all the delegates. As the girls head back to their dorm for the final city meeting and night together, they began to reminisce the last moments had together. Samantha Davis, Cactus

  • Day 5

    Jun. 7th, 2018 Day 5 of ALANMGS ALA Girls Nation Press Conference was a success. The Finalist were very confident in their answers and it was a great experience to have all of the city reporters act like actual reporters! The most interesting piece of legislation I heard today was adding a 10¢ tax on groceries for every plastic bag that is used. It will get more people to buy reusable bags. The Senate court was on fire with the debating and the constant changing of bills that needed a few more details to be perfect. My overall favorite guest of the week was today’s guest as she helped with the oath of offices which was an interesting and fun path to take part of! My impressions of the banquet was it was very formal and seeing everyone dressed up in their best and recognize the real reason why we are strong women was beautiful. I recorded the candlelight song and the speech was beautiful. “Leadership is practiced not so much in words but as in attitude and in actions.” - Harold S. Geneen Melissa Reyna Pine City Reporter

  • Wednesday Report

    Aisis Hernandez Cedar City article Party Rallies were held today; and this was my first chance to hear from the opposing candidates and even the real passions of my own candidates, both who had even been in my city! The Party Rallies were hilariously fun and a great way to get everyone involved, although a tad hectic, with no time to practice today, the pros heavily overpowered the cons. The best part I felt was getting to hear the Lt. Governor and Governor candidates speeches. We really, really got to see what they felt most passionate about, and their own specific qualities; because even though our Platform Committee was able to come up with ideas and broad topics we wanted our Party to stand for we hadn’t gotten the chance to hear exactly what they wanted to say. And I was thrilled about most of the ideas and I believe most of the delegates felt the same. I also loved that the two parties had similar ideas, because that means there are huge problems in New Mexico that all of these bright women are noticing and trying hard to come up with solutions that will last.

  • Wednesday Reflections

    Kacie Morelos ALA NM Girl’s State Reflection Today was a slower day, which isn’t a complaint, because we honestly needed one of those. But we had so much fun, Party Rallies, Mayor Conference, and Whistlestop Campaign. Were all so fun and a great experience to go through. Party Rallies were basically shows to encourage candidates to vote for your party and get them interested in your ideas and values. Mayors Conference was a display of a City’s hard work and what they had accomplished as a team, city and family. Both “Shows” were fun and interesting, and overall fun. The Community Forum was an opportunity for our voices and opinions to be heard. Everyone had an opinion and was intently listening to everyone that spoke their opinions. It was amazing, seeing a room full of smart and respecting women, truly a good experience. We discussed topics ranging from internet issues to real laws that were repealed. We also did some charity work, decorating cards for children and making blankets for the homeless. It was amazing, and so enlightening. Lastly, today we learned about Parli Pro, or Parliament Procedure, an efficient and professional form of communication that can be used during discussions and debates that get the jobs done. Today we did so much good, and learned so much. I’m truly proud.

  • Wednesday Report

    Day 4 of ALANMGS Party Rallies today!! As part of the Nationalist party, we decided to have. a boxing match of our candidates fighting the issues we are struggling with which are Veterans Affairs which should give veterans easier access to healthcare, Education which should give higher pay to teachers so they can invest in the future generations better. Lastly Public Health and Saftey by increasing the number of nurses as New Mexico lacks and provide more educational and training programs for our State Law Enforcement. The candidates on the Federalist were great! On behalf of the delegates, we can all agree that the election experiences have taught us all the importance on voting for our candidates to improve the state. The importance on volunteering is not only giving yourself a good pat on the back, but you are helping someone else have a better life or simply a hand to get back up. Many people appreciate the volunteers for their countless hours of helping their community. My impressions of the community forum today were very interesting. It’s great to hear two different views of a topic. The Mayor’s Conference was the highlight of our day. Pine City means the world to me, not only are we a group of beautiful young ladies, but we also strive for excellence as we have a Lt. Governor and 2 finalist for ALA Girl’s Nation! What I learned about the American Legion Auxiliary is the group is actually ran by strong women who come from Veterans families. The Parli Pro is a system used in a session as a way to properly address bills and address the governor correctly. I believe it is important because it keeps order in the session without a chaos of everyone trying to input their opinion or completely ignore the governor and make their own decisions. “Remember the difference between a boss and a leader ; a boss says “Go!” a leader says “Let’s Go!” ”    - E.M. Kelly Melissa Reyna Pine City Reporter

  • Wednesday Cactus Report

    Samantha Davis Cactus City Today, on the 4th day of attending ALA Girls State the Nationalist and Federalist parties performed their rallies to help their campaigns and allow the state positions to obtain votes from members of the other party. After the rallies , the candidates for governor and lieutenant governor participated in whistle stop campaigning to answer a variety of questions which all four cities had prepared the night before. Following the agenda, the delegates participated in service projects which included making birthday cards, blankets, and children's games. Mayors gathered their citizens to prepare them for the annual mayors conference. Each city put on a humorous which presented the flag, seal, songs, and cheer for the city. After the mayors conference, election results were announced, starting with county positions, leading to lieutenant governor and governor (congratulations to Jocelyn Debonis, our new lieutenant governor and Trinity Shipley, our new governor) We ended the night with daily city reflections, then our city planned our ceremony for Thursday morning.

  • Tuesday Cactus Report

    Samantha Davis Cactus City Daily Report Started off rough as I was exhausted from staying up the night writing my campaign speech for district attorney. After the day began, we split into our counties (Washington and Lincoln). During the meetings we gave our speeches and listened to the speeches of the other girls. We soon realized there were many positions open due to a lack of candidates. The delegates who had no interest in running were persuaded by the counselors. The girls had to write last minute speeches, but it was worth it and they felt accomplished once they returned to the dorms. These wonderful ladies stepped out of their comfort zones and faced their fears by running for a position here at Girls State. As the day continued, everyone’s nerves were sky high as the announcement of the results got closer. We watched the talent show anxiously, trying to distract our minds. The time was here, the results were being announced. I was excited, relieved, and felt very prideful as my name was called for District Attorney. My fellow Cacti felt the same way as they received the positions they ran for. With the day finally coming to a close with our daily meeting, I have a long night ahead of me, writing another speech. I will let you know how that goes tomorrow.

  • Day 3

    Day 3 of ALANMGS Today I ran for State Senator. What I learned from the process is how there are times when you win by default and others have to compete to get what they want. The discussion of the legislation committees were very interesting to learn about. It not only gives the girls opportunities to meet other girls from different counties but gives people the chance to have their voice heard among people of their same party which in the end, turns into a HUGE support group. The Whistlestop campaign presentation was very interesting and it sounds like so much fun! I had no idea that our current president used the same campaign that started in the 1800s. My party of Nationalists consists of a group of beautiful young ladies who are determined to bring the best candidates to be the future leader’s of Girl’s State! GO NATS! “The effective leader recognizes that they are more dependent on their people than they are on them. Walk Softly.” - Brian Tracy Melissa Reyna Pine City Reporter

  • Tuesday Reflections

    In the past few busy days that I’ve been here, I’ve done so much. Never before have I done 3 speeches in three days, and miraculously while doing this third speech for my campaign for election to the House of Representatives, the fear I felt before gradually faded away. Fear that everyone was just ignoring me and no one cared, or even worse they cared too much and were criticizing every word I said, it all kinda left my body. When I looked out into the crowd I saw nothing but gleaming eyes, attentive postures, and caring expressions. They helped me. People I’ve only known for a few days, at best, helped me. That’s an amazing experience to me because I’ve always seen girls as more trouble than their friendship is worth. But meeting such amazing ladies that help me every step I take in a better direction has completely changed my perspective on an entire gender. The talent show was another inspiration for me, every person that walked out onto that stage took the time and effort to make something of themselves in that moment. They displayed amazing qualities such as intense and intricate dances that didn’t involve instrumental music, but rather music they made with their movements. Another girl walked up and sang an amazing and empowering song that reflects many of our thoughts about loneliness and growing out of people. Others made skits that had no real meaning but still made us laugh, and the final act was something that’ll probably stick with me for all eternity. Finally, the last thing we learned about today was the tradition and origins of “Whistlestop Campaigning.” Whistlestop is a part of the electoral process here at Girl’s State that helps citizens decide on which Governor candidate is the best choice for their needs and wants, this campaigning technique also has relevancy in the real world and has even been used for our most recent election. Today, we learned that Whistlestop Campaigning was used as the best form for getting ideas out to the public before television existed. Candidates went around hopping trains from town to town, spreading their ideas and message as they went as efficiently as possible. Unfortunately, it's getting kind of late, so I’ll have to end Spruce City’s daily report here for today. Signing off for now, Kacie Morelos

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